
An Anti-Vampire Online Resource
Please submit your suggestions and links:
Email: vampirehunternet@yahoo.com

Special Note: These links are for research purposes, the webmaster cannot be held responsible for the content contained within them. They are recommended soley for the information contained on various pages,
any links provided by them are their responsibility, and yours to concern yourself with once you have entered their site. Some links are provided to show you just what exists out there. Others are provided mainly
for certain content that is located nowhere else, even though some other content on the site may be questionable or objectionable, use your own common sense. Researching means combing through information
and knowing that some of that information to be useless, be your own judge, make up your own mind, decide for your own self at all times and be aware that there is information that exists out there that can confuse,
distort and obscure, and alter your sense of reality. Maintain common sense at all times.

News[January 2005]
Vampire in Birmingham
Reports of a vampire-style attacker on the loose
Tsunami Villagers fear ghosts of victims
Man who howled like Werewolf Sent to Jail
Human Blood Farming: Dr.Moreau is Alive and Well
Catholic Church Takes New Interest in Exorcism, Occult
"Vampire of Darkness" Pleads Not Guilty
Vampire taught sex class
Vampire Obsessed Man Raped Girl
Vampire Killer Found Dead in Jail Cell
Vampire Lesbian Stalks Poet

Older News Articles:
Romanian villagers decry police investigation into vampire slaying

Vampire victim tongue severed
Vicar had Theological Debate with Vampires
Archived News Stories

Vampires in Babylon
Iraq: Looting of Artifacts
Revamping Blade
Vampire Bloodlines
The First Vampires and Gold

Blade's Fearless vampire killers
Blade hacks Underworld
Animated Blade
Animated Blade on MTV
Comic-Reading Youth Well Spent for Trinity Writer
BladeTrinity-(Blade 3) is Now Playing in Theaters
Vampire Hunter Network Blade Page
Van Helsing

"All those occultists . . . who are brimming with claims about the strange
and the marvelous . . . those occultists cheat people and delude the masses.

They hold in their grasp the black arts and in their embrace all manner of false
and faked means . . . . if one listens to what they say, it fills the ears to
But one should seek to take hold of what might actually be found,
in the end one will have gained nothing, for it is an evasive thing,
 akin to binding the wind or clutching a shadow."
                                            -- Gao Yung, an esoteric master (Fang Shi)
                                                         and advisor to Emperor Zheng (33 to 7 BCE)

Recommended Reading List
(In alphabetical order by author)
Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality
Food for the Dead by Michael E. Bell
The Vampire Encyclopedia by Matthew Bunson
Treatise on Vampires and Revenants(also "Phantom World") by Dom Augustine Calmet
The Religious System of China by J..J.M De Groot,PhD
The Vampire: A Casebook, Alan Dundes
The Vampire Slayer's Field Guide to the Undead
The Vampire Hunter's Handbook
Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead
Vampires, Werewolves and Demons: 20th Century Reports in the Psychiatric Literature by Richard Noll
The Vampire by H.S.Olcott
Evidence for the New England Vampire Folk Belief
The Vampire His Kith and Kin by Montague Summers
The Vampire in Europe by Montague Summers

Vampire Book Sites:
Sacred Texts.Com
Vampire Book Bibliography
Vampire Library
Vampire Realm of Darkness: Books
Vikram and the Vampire by Richard Francis Burton
Bram Stoker
Interesting Articles on the Net
Interview With a Vampire: Pornography of Violence
Ritual Abuse: Ancient Practice
FBI Report on Occult Crime
Perspective on 'What is Gothic"
Vampire in Ontario
Seasonal Affective Disorder: You Need Some Sun
Vampires: Are they just another rabid beast?
Killing for Mother Kali
Recent Cannibalism in Easten Europe
Vampire Biology
Cults and Ritualistic Crime
Teenage Vampire Fanatic
The American Red Double Cross
Vampire Clan Murders
Cases of Human Sacrifice Around the World
Psychological harrassment Information Association
How to Detect Evil: People of the Lie
Teen Rooted Vampirism
Debunking Phony Feng Shui
Shurangama Sutra - Link
Shurangama Sutra on Buddhist Vampirism and Demonic Possession [PDF File]
The Werewolf Ancestor of Prince Charles and the Windsors
Vampire in a Bottle in Malaysia
Anunnaki, the Vampire and the Structure of Dissent
Moving Coffins
Beyond the Grave by Troy Taylor
Richard Noll Interview
Traumatic Abuse in Cults
What Jewish People Should Know About the New Age
Jewish Vegetarianism
Dr.Stephen Kent: Ritual Abuse

Featured Links and Resources

Psychic/Psychological/Emotional/Energy Vampirism
Anti-Vampire Center
Stop Energy Vampires From Draining You by Judith Orloff, M.D.
Vampires as Metaphor and Social Commentary
Psychic Vampirism
Energy Vampires
Emotional Vampires
Astral Vampires
Psychic Vampires
Warding Off Psy-Vamps
Vampire relationship

Vampire Hunter Pages
Various Hunter/Slayer Sites, Hoaxers, Role-Players and Fan Sites                                                  

Amateur Vampire Hunters
Brider - Vampire Hunter
Echoes of Night Hunters-Slayers
The Lion's Grove Vampires Sites Hunters         
The Slayer Handbook    
The Weapons Closet
Vampire Hunters
Vampire Hunters Domain
Vampire Slayers
Vampires are real
Vampiric Studies Real Hunters
VAU Folklore Vampire Hunters

Vampires Recognize the Enemy
Apotropaic Defenses Against the Undead

Garic: Science Index
Garlic Central
Primer on the Chemistry of Garlic
Natural Defenses...Ultraviolet Emission
Garlic: Allium Sativum
Garlic Info
Garlic Kills Slugs

Element 47
Silver nitrate
Ionic Silver and Colloidal Silver
Silver Bullets
Silver Poisoning
Silver AG
Silver Data
Hazards of Silver
Toxicological Profile for Silver


Hawthorn Info
Mythology and Folklore of Hawthorn
Hawthorn info and history
Hawthorn berries
Hawthorn Tree

Holy Water
Holy Water
Waters of Purification
Running Water: Ions
Negative Ions
Water Purification
Chinese Characters for Flowing Water
Patron Saint of Running Water
Positive: Ions, Air, Shower, Water

The Stake
Wooden Stakes

Mirrors and Sha (Negative Energy)
How to Make
Lenses and Mirrors

Role of Light in Health
Sun and history
Seasonal Affective Disorder: You Need Some Sun

The Sexton Spade


Vampire Hunters Kit

Running Water

"In China a vampire (kiang si or kiong si) generally breaks out of its coffin during
the night, as the powers of evil spectres are paralysed by daylight. It commonly kills
its prey by sucking the blood out of the body, a proceeding which it completes in a
few seconds. Its body is said to be covered all over with long white hair, and its nails
exceedinly long, which reminds us of a belief prevalent amongst Europeans, that the
hair and nails continue to grow after death."
--The Religious System of China by
 J..J.M De Groot,PhD, page 106


Sam Fuller Vampire Hunter
Do you have a "Crazy Vampire Hunter Theory?"

Some speculation, conjecture or theory about vampires?
Is it a virus? Demonic possession? Some unexplained medical phenomenon?
Many exist, many of these theories make some sense,
some are allegorical...have yours posted here!
All theories will be credited, unless it is requested you wish to  remain anonymous.

SUBMIT YOUR THEORIES AND IDEAS TO: vampirehunternet@yahoo.com

Chiang-Shih Hunting     
The Chiang Shih            
The Undead in Asia
Demon: Chiang-Shih
Jianshi Hopping Corpse
Taoists Preists and Hopping Vampires
Chinese Ghouls and Goblins - G.Willoughby Meade
Ba Gua
Era of Vampires
Vampire Hunters/Era of Vampires
Lam Ching-Ying Honk Kong Legend
Lam Ching Ying Dedication [Forum]
Lam Ching Ying, Ghostbuster
Lam Ching Ying: The Original Vampire Slayer
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (1974)
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires Poster Art
The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires (english)
Black Sect and Occultist Myths
Geung si sin sang

The Religious System of China by J..J.M De Groot,PhD
Mirrors and Sha (Negative Energy)
Chinese Symbol for WATER
What are Negative Ions?
Negative Ions
Measuting Chi energy
The Hopping Vampires
Sha and Chi
Feng Shui Compass
Dark Buddhist Sect
10 Things I Learned While Watching Asian Horror
P'u Sung-Ling
Master Lu Sheng Yen: Vampire Corpse
Jackie Chan: Chi Vampire Episode
Chinese Hopping Puppet
Coin Sword
Medical Research  
Vampirism: A Medical Persprective    
     Could Rabies Explain the Vampire Legend?
Porphyrins and the Harderian Gland
Body Temperature
Cannibalism [Warning:Images on this Site are More Graphic than you can Imagine-- not for Kids]
Vitamin D
Ultraviolet Light
Rigor Mortis
Schizophenia and Vampirism

In Alphabetical Order

Leo Allatius
Dom Augustin Calmet
Giuseppe Davanzati

Collin De Plancy
Johann Dzigielski
Johann Fluckinger
Franz Hartmann
Pierre-Daniel Huet

Ernest Jones
Abbe Julio
Sean Manchester

Michael Ranftius
Philip Rohr
Montague Summers
Bram Stoker
Johann Zopfius

From the Bayside Virgin Mary Apparition:
"There is one called 'man' among you now who is diabolical of nature, using a human body. "This evil one We have named 'the vampire,' because in his diabolical nature, in his supernatural state, he has developed a necessity for the consumption of human blood to retain the human body he travels in. Know ye well now that he is going about your city looking for young blood."                                                                                                                      http://www.roses.org/

The Biblical Vampire:
"There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, and fangs like knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men. The Alukah has two daughters, crying , Give, give!" --Proverbs 30:14

Horseleech Prophesy
Vampire of Canaan

Other  Articles
Dom Augustin Calmet: Revenants
Bishop Sean Manchester Vampire Hunter
The Vampire: His Kith and Kin
St.Benedict Symbol
Father John, Vampire Slayer
Christian Goth
St.Roch Patron Saint of Vampire Hunters (Poland--M.Summers)
The Bible and Scriptures
J.Gordon Melton Controversy
Buffy and Christianity
Christian Fandom: Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter

Careers-Don't Quit Your Day Job              
Organic Garlic Farming
Forensic Scientist



Salem's Lot
New Salem's Lot
Sundown: Retreat of the Vampires  
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
From Dusk Til Dawn                                          
Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter
Ultraviolet (1998)
Night Hunter (Vampire Collection, The)
B Movie Reviews
B-Movie Central Review
Vampire Compendium - Vampire Movies
Peter Cushing Museum and Association
Peter Cushing Dot Com
Peter Cushing's Bio
Caroline Munro's Official Site
Hammer Heroine Caroline Munro
Hammer House of Horror
Hammer Films
Hammer Horror Crypt
Blade - click here for more                                                            
Blade movie Script
Blade 2 Script
Blade: Trinity

Blade the Vampire Slayer
Swordmark Company Movie Blade
The Bloodpack
Blade 2
Marv Wolfman.com
Nightblade Fan Site - Wesley Snipes
Blade:Vampire Hunter
Blade Comics
Blade: Comic Movie Guide
Blade: Tomb of Dracula
Essential Tomb of Dracula
Why Tomb of Dracula was the Greatest Horror Comic Ever
Tomb of Dracula(Dracula) The Japanimation Version
Tomb of Dracula (Dracula) The Japanimation Movie DVD
Yami No Teio Kyuketsuki Dracula - Japanimation Version

Dracula (1980) - Japanese Cartoon of Tomb of Dracula

John Carpenter's/Steakley's Vampire$             
John Carpenter Vampires
John Carpenter Vámpíro
The Editing Room - Vampires The Abridged Script
Wanted Undead Or Alive - The Vampires Los Muertos Fanlisting
John Steakley Website
Vampires: Los muertos
John Carpenter's Vampires (IMDB)

Van Helsing                                                                                      
Abraham Van Helsing
Dr Abraham van Helsing
Dr Van Helsing's Diary
The Many Faces of Van Helsing Overview
The many faces of Van Helsing
The Van Helsing FanListing
Van Helsing
Van Helsing guide

Van Helsing - Hugh Jackman
Van Helsing Fan Listing
H2's Van Helsing Fan page
Professor Van Helsing

PO Box 602088
Cleveland, OH 44102

Coming Soon

Vampire Hunter D                                            
Coming Soon

Vampire Nation
I am Legend              
Speaking with Vampires by Luise White
Why I Hate Vampires by Wil Forbis
Stevy's Guide To The Goth Wars
The History of Eastern Europe
Control of Vampirism. Vampire the Vampires
 Deep in the mountains of Carpathia lies the mysterious and  mythic land of Transylvania
 Diamond International Galleries presents... COMICON.com
 Fearless Vampire Hunters
 Ramblings We Must Kill The Vampires!
The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency
The Van Helsing Society
Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums - Vampires... Real or  not          
Vampires The Undead     
Wooden Weapons...Lengends     
Renaissancefashions.com - weapons
How to Kill Vampires
What I Know About Chinese Vampires
Walking the Night - Malaysia
Dictionnaire Infernal (Demonographia)

                      Jack Crow